
How to contribute to Fuego

Fuego is written in the go programming language (1.12 or newer), you need to have it installed and be familiar with it, to contribute code to fuego.

All new features should be based on the develop branch. The master branch always contains the current stable version and the latest release.

Building fuego

Fuego uses go modules, which means you’ll need at least go version 1.11 to compile the program.

Fork and clone the repository and then build it:

cd fuego
go build

All dependencies will be downloaded and built automatically and the fuego binary will be created in the project directory (use go install to move the binary to your GOPATH if you wish).


The tests are located in test as a shunit2 shell script, against a the firebase emulator.

To run the tests, you’ll need to install:

To execute the tests, follow these steps

  1. Run the firestore emulator
    $ gcloud beta emulators firestore start --host-port localhost:8080
    Executing: /home/user/google-cloud-sdk/platform/cloud-firestore-emulator/cloud_firestore_emulator start --host=localhost --port=8080
    [firestore] API endpoint: http://localhost:8080
    [firestore] If you are using a library that supports the FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable, run:
    [firestore]    export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8080
    [firestore] Dev App Server is now running.
  2. In a different shell, go into the tests directory and run the tests script:
cd tests
./tests -- nameoffirsttest nameofsecondtest

Branches (work in progress)

master branch always contains the latest stable version of fuego, and corresponds to the latest release. Under normal circumstances, only the develop branch should be merged into master. (Exceptions being hot fixes).

develop branch contains the current development version. It should be kept as clean as possible. It should always compile and pass the tests. Most new development should start from this branch.

Other branches should be named as following:


Where group is one of the following items:

Example: feat/add-xyz-command.

The name of the branch should be short, hyphen-separated and represent the purpose of the branch.

Branches should be created with a single purpose and have a reduced number of commits. Use ‘smash and merge’ if possible when merging to develop. Keep the develop branch free of ‘wip’s commits.


Releases are managed by a github action and a new release is created whenever something is pushed into the master branch. Therefore pushing into master should be done carefully.

Release notes are taken from files in the release-notes directory, following this convention:

release-notes/version.md (i.e. release-notes/0.15.0.md)

In order to create a new release you should:

  1. Change the version number in the main.go file.
  2. Change the version in snap/snapcraft.yaml
  3. Create a relese-notes/version.md file that contains the release notes.
  4. Update the CHANGELOG.md file.
  5. Create a PR from develop to master
  6. Admin will merge the PR.

Creating a release locally.

Releases are managed by goreleaser.


  1. export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_token
  2. Update version in main.go (i.e v0.1.0)
  3. Update CHANGELOG.md (set version)
  4. Commit changes
  5. git tag -a v0.1.0 -m “First release”
  6. git push origin v0.1.0
  7. goreleaser (options: –rm-dist –release-notes=)